Direct PhD Program


Bioengineering is a multidisciplinary field that weaves together knowledge of physics, chemistry, and engineering to tools for the study of biology and the practice of medicine. This rapidly growing field provides a new level of understanding of biological systems, ranging from the molecular scale to entire organisms, by applying engineering-based analytical and experimental approaches.


The Grass Center for Bioengineering is offering a direct PhD degree in bioengineering. Our 5-year program is open for outstanding students who completed their B.Sc., M.Sc. or M.D. degrees in relevant fields with a GPA of 85 or above.

Minimal requirements to enter the program include the following courses or their equivalent:

1. Intro to Computer Science (67101)
2. From Cell to Organism (72108)
3. General Chemistry (69174)
4. Applied Math 1/2 (80114, 80157)
5. Physics Mechanics & Electricity and Magnetism (77148, 7304)

Full information on the program can be found  HERE

How to Apply

For further information or to apply to the Ph.D. program, please contact Shuli Cohen with the following application package:

1. A complete Curriculum Vita
2. A personal application letter
3. Two letters of recommendation
4. A complete grade record
5. A single passport photo



Student are strongly encouraged to find a PhD advisor before completing their application to the program. Faculty members across the Hebrew University are allowed to mentor students in the program following project approval. Affiliated faculty members can be found in the following link.